The Thailand EWB team and partner ting NGO, LEAF, arrived safely into Maejanoi. The team came to monitor the previously built water tank system and perform an assessment for the next phase of the project. So far, the team has inspected and cleaned the tank and pump system. The team has also started taking further water sampling. 2017 July 02 On the second day of the trip, the Thailand EWB Team and LEAF had successful meetings with the Maejanoi Phu Yai Ban, village leader, as well as with the village members. The team reported on the current status of the project as well as requested feedback about the usefulness of the water storage tank system they implemented last year. They also discussed potential options for the next phase of the project. For the next phase, the majority of the villagers voted for a distribution system that will transport water from the EWB tank to each house. 2017 July 03 During the trip, the Thailand EWB Team and LEAF spent a couple of days gathering data which will be used to inform the design of a suitable water distribution system for the Maejanoi village. Working hand in hand with volunteers from the village, team members conducted a slope and distance survey of possible system paths, performed aerial surveys, and visited local hardware stores to research construction material availability and cost. 2017 July 08 Before the Thailand EWB Team departed Maejanoi, they were able to meet more villagers by the EWB water tank which currently provides the only source of water for the entire village. Due to an unusual lack of monsoon rain, the village's wet season mountain water source has totally dried up. Therefore, many villagers are thankful for the EWB water storage tank system which now provides them access to potable water throughout the entire year. The team was also able to finally meet face-to-face with the Thai Bechtel volunteer support team. They have been instrumental in helping translate English documents to Thai and vice versa as well as provide in-country construction vendor/material research.